Tuesday 6 November 2012

The University staff - the unsung heroes

Could you imagine a state wherein the University had just academics and students and was devoid of support staff – no Student Services team, no Outreach and admissions team, no Examination management team, no School Office team, no library staff and none even to man the SUSU shops and the cafeterias on the campus? Well, I would shudder even at such a thought.

The students are the heart of this great institution. The University stands because it has students who come with aspirations and ambitions and go with a sense of content. And yes, the professors, the tutors, the researchers and instructors are the brains of the University. Their hard work and toil in research inspires a student to join the University and perform to his or her best.

But if the students are the heart and academics are the brains of the University, the support staff is nothing less than the backbone without whose unflinching support the University would not have scaled such great heights. So here is a small tribute to them and how they help mould a student’s career.

The International Office team's officers are constantly on the move, attending international education fairs and seminars organised by the British Council and local education agents. They are a stepping stone towards the lifelong relationship with the University which an international student makes. Not only are they a deciding factor behind a student’s decision to join the University, but they also guide a student to choose a subject as per his vocation and aptitude. I can never forget the words of wisdom tendered by the International Officer for India during an education fair in Mumbai. I had endless queries and all my emails were answered promptly by her.

A similar effort is made by the Outreach and Admissions team which cater to the students from within the country. They visit schools throughout the year, meet the students and counsel them. They are also responsible for organising the much awaited Open Days at the University. I took part in the Open Days this year and one could judge the scale of effort and involvement by the sheer turnout of students and parents alike at the University.

I would be failing in my duty if I do not mention the constant support of the School Office team in paving a student’s career. Right from the induction process, to University ID cards, letters to the bank or the City Council, to help with finalising the modules and timetabling, students get all the help and guidance they need. I have never seen the school office team perturbed even during the crucial months of examination and results when they have a lot of pressure on them.

Similarly, the library staff are always there to cater to a student’s needs. The library is open until late during the examination months and the library team go out of the way to ensure every student gets a place to study in the library.

Of course, there may be shortcomings or delays at times, but they are always corrected with alacrity. Words alone cannot acknowledge the role played by each and every member of the University's support staff in our lives.


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