Thursday 29 November 2012

Yes Woman – the art of trying something new

Something that I have learnt since starting my Masters is that it really is never too late to start anything at University. I may be in my fourth (and most probably final) year, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do things here that I’ve never done before.

In one of my first posts back in the summer, I mentioned that I regret not trying things out in my first year. Had I been bolder, I would have gone along to Theatre Group meetings, tried my hand at yoga, and maybe gone to Artsoc (the student art society) regularly. Alas, I didn’t truly get involved in extra-curricular activities until at the end of my second year, when I was elected as Lifestyle Editor for the Wessex Scene.  Soon after that I realised this was a step that should have been taken at least a year beforehand.

Now, in my postgraduate panic, I realise that the ‘real world’ does not offer such opportunities so easily. I need not remind myself that I shall be entering this real world of work soon (hopefully!). So I have somewhat taken it upon myself to try and say YES to more things this year. YES to socials, YES to obscure gigs, YES to coffee with acquaintances in order to form new friendships… and YES to gaining new skills. If any of you have seen Yes Man starring Jim Carrey and the lovely Zooey Deschanel, it’s the same idea… just toned down. And not 24/7.

One example of this new endeavour is my recent appearance on Surge Radio, the University of Southampton’s student radio station. I have a few friends who work at Surge whom I have met through media projects, meetings and social gatherings, and a few of my friends present shows on a weekly basis. When one asked if I would like to be a guest on his show one Saturday night, how could I resist!?

My Surge experience got the thumbs up!

My first impression of the Surge studio was how small and quiet it was (pretty basic observations, for a soundproofed studio in SUSU’s basement!) and once we sat down we launched straight into the show. My friend Sam has been trained in using the equipment, so I just popped my headphones on, let him get on with it, and the show started! We filled the hour with conversations about films and television series, whilst playing tracks from our favourite film scores. This was a film-based show on Surge after all - Sam’s show Screentime usually airs on Saturdays from 7pm which he presents with his friends Jack and Tom. After a few requests from my sister Katie and my old housemate Lou, we had finished our slot and the show was over. It was a whirlwind hour, but I had a great time, and came out of the studio wanting to do it all over again.

Although I was nervous, and I have a tendency to avoid all things spontaneous, I had a great evening, and plan on getting back on air in the near future. I’ve also set myself the challenge of helping out with SUSUtv (the student TV station here at Southampton) before the end of my university career.

So, although I never graced the stage or tried a new sport during my time here, it certainly hasn’t been uneventful, and I know I’ll be able to leave next year with the knowledge that I will have made the most of what being at University has to offer.


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