Friday 31 January 2014

Embarking on a new semester

Exams ended last week and I was grateful to have a few precious days off before the new semester began. To celebrate our survival through exam period, a few friends and I went on a small adventure to Watford where we visited the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London for The Making of Harry Potter! As much as I love Southampton, it’s always nice to explore somewhere new, especially when travelling within the UK is so easy. We took the train from Southampton Central station to Watford (a town I had never been to before) and explored the town centre for a few hours before hopping on a bus destined for the Making of Harry Potter tour. The tour was fantastic! It felt kind of unreal to see the endless pieces of original props and sets. There was so much to see, I really had no idea just how much effort went into creating and designing everything for the films. I now have a new found awe and appreciation for the creativity and talent of the people who worked towards putting it all together. As well as getting to see original pieces from the movies we also had a go at “flying” on a broomstick in front of a green screen, drank our first glasses of Butterbeer and took a stroll down Diagon Alley. My friend Ivy took hundreds of photos and I had a hard time choosing which ones to show you all but here are a few:

Outside the Warner Bros. Studio Tour.

Anybody recognise this from the second film?

Ollivander’s wand shop in Diagon Alley.

And, of course, Hogwarts Castle!

After returning back to Southampton the rest of the weekend passed in the blink of an eye and, before I knew it, it was time to start the new semester. I spent some time looking over various optional modules for this semester and checking to make sure there were no clashes in the timetable. After now having had all my introductory lectures for my modules, I’m very happy with my choices. They’ve all grabbed my interest and I’m looking forward to making the most of this semester. My four modules consist of two compulsory modules: Evolution and Plant Development and Function, as well as two optional modules (which I was free to choose): Animal Reproduction and Development and an interdisciplinary module about Global Challenges. I’m particularly excited to see what I’ll be able to get out of the Global Challenges module. The teaching format is a little different to my other modules and the students come from a range of disciplines. I think it will be interesting to gain a new perspective on issues such as food and energy security, biodiversity and climate change from people other than my fellow biologists.

As well as starting new modules, I've also attended a talk about possible Third Year dissertation projects abroad and an engrossing talk by Simon Watt about what it was like behind the scenes of filming Channel 4's “Inside Nature’s Giants". In addition, I've been quite busy this week looking for summer internships and placements. As important as graduating with a good degree is, I know how valuable getting experience is too! Therefore, I'm hoping to secure something (whether it be voluntary or paid work) that will give me a good chance to gain some valuable experience during the summer break.

Furthermore, with so much going on at the moment I’ve decided to cut back on two dance classes per week - so rather than dancing for just over ten hours each week I’ll now being doing roughly seven hours. I’m probably still dancing more than I have time for but even cutting back a little will allow me to spend more time doing work for my course, which is actually something I really want because I am genuinely excited about these new modules! Our first dance competition is in less than two weeks so I know my schedule is soon going to get pretty hectic, but I’m determined to get the best of both worlds.


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