Wednesday 1 January 2014

Enjoying my break with family and friends

Picking up from where I left off in my previous post, I spent a couple of days in London before heading home to Sweden for Christmas. I travelled to London from Southampton by coach (which takes about two hours but never feels that long) with my friend Ivy. We dropped our stuff off at the hotel we were staying in by King’s Cross before doing a little exploring including going for a search to find Platform 9 3/4 (yes, I’m kind of a Harry Potter fan) and checking out the captivating Christmas lights and window displays at Harrods. We then met up with our friend Malena for a traditional English afternoon tea at The Cadogan in Knightsbridge. This was the first time I had ever done a proper English tea so for me it was very exciting. My friends were nice enough to book everything in advance (as usual I had my hands full with other responsibilities at the time) so I really had no idea how grand everything was going to be. After the tea we went and did a little browsing around Covent Garden before eating a 3-course Christmas meal together.  Below are a couple of photos from the afternoon tea taken by Ivy and Malena.

The following day we met up with our friend Josh before heading to the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. This was the first time I had ever been to London’s Winter Wonderland so I was very eager to see what it had to offer. The park was set up with many food stalls, a Christmas market, games, rides and more! I have to admit that the rides were rather expensive so we only went on a couple, choosing a rollercoaster and the Power Tower (which actually wasn’t at all as heart-stopping as I thought it was going to be). I still had a great time enjoying the atmosphere of the park and took the chance to try mulled wine for the first time.

The Power Tower

In the evening Ivy and I took the coach back to Southampton, giving me time to spend the rest of the night packing for my journey home to Sweden. I only ever travel with my backpack when I go home (because it’s much more convenient not having to carry a large suitcase and it’s cheaper). However this means I’m always faced with the challenge of trying and pack as little as possible.

The journey home went fairly smoothly and before I knew it I was back in our little apartment being greeted by a very happy monster (aka my dog Belle). It’s been so nice to spend some time at home relaxing, eating way too much food, lounging on the sofa, watching movies and TV (we have a TV in the house I’m living in at Southampton but I never have time to watch anything) and I’ve also been going for nice long walks with my mum and our dog in the forest. The air in Sweden is always really fresh, and to my surprise it has actually been fairly warm (let me just clarify that when I say warm I’m talking around 5°C at most). I was actually expecting decimetres of snow (which is what I came home to last year) but I’m not at all disappointed because the good weather has allowed me to easily bike to and from the town centre.

This photo was taken this time last year of the lake near our summerhouse.

Since being home I’ve also been to the cinema and watched the new Hobbit movie with my sister. I really enjoyed it and we got to watch it for free because she found a pair of free movie tickets hidden away in our apartment! In addition to this we’ve done a little shopping in the sales and I bought a new laptop (which I really needed seeing as my old one had developed a mind of its own as well as going senile). Furthermore, I’ve caught up with a couple of friends and I plan to watch my sister’s ballet rehearsal tomorrow. I’ll then get a chance to see all my old dance mates and I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone again.

I’m actually feeling excited about the New Year (which is strange because it was only just last week that I was completely dreading the end of 2013) and I’m hoping 2014 will bring with it a ton of new adventures and chances to makes wonderful memories.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!


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