Wednesday 15 January 2014

Exam season

One week back and exam season is well underway. I’ve spent most of the days since my last post in the library studying, and Hartley Library is starting to resemble a second home, something which all students can relate to I’m sure. I’m currently in the middle of a four day takeaway exam for my History module. We were able to access the paper at 10am on Monday morning, and have until Thursday afternoon to complete it. It’s my first time sitting an exam of this type and I’ve got to say, I much prefer it to the traditional closed-book exam. If only they were all like this! I’ve got another next Tuesday which is worth 100% of the module – a whopping three hours of writing. But thankfully that will be me done for the semester. I’d love to say I’m looking forward to a break, but my dissertation won’t write itself! Luckily, I’m extremely interested in my topic, and am actually thoroughly enjoying researching and writing the first few paragraphs. It’s all about the world food system, and I’m a total food addict, so it suits me down to the ground.

The joys of revision!

I’m moving up to Southampton tomorrow to stay at a friend’s house until my exams are finished. She doesn’t have any (lucky for some!) so is off on holiday to Egypt. I’m very jealous that she’ll be in the sun whilst I’m working away, but extremely grateful to her for the bed, and to her housemates for putting up with me. At least it will mean no more 5am starts for a while – 7 o’clock is practically a lie in for me now!

I’ve also managed to get out for a few runs too – my next half marathon is getting ever closer and training is starting to step up a gear. I was worried that it would be difficult fit in training around revision, but so far it’s actually working out very well. Getting to the gym or out for a run is a welcome break, and often increases my energy levels and helps me to concentrate and work more effectively. The weather hasn’t been too good, though, so some more sunshine would be great!

Still managing to get a workout in!

I have managed to find some time, in between revision, to continue researching my options for next year. I’ve just sent off an application for International Citizen Service (ICS), a development programme funded by the British government’s Department for International Development, which works with a variety of different charities and organisations. If I am accepted, I will become a team leader on a project somewhere in Asia, Africa or South America for six months. I’ve had some volunteering experience before whilst working in Indonesia and I would absolutely love to expand on this, and hopefully in a brand new location. I’m always looking for the next adventure, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

Volunteering in Indonesia a few summers ago

I’m also looking into master’s degrees in London as another option, although I’m not entirely sure how I would go about funding one – I suppose I’ll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. Either way, plans for next year are slowly starting to take shape, and it’s very exciting.


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