Friday 17 January 2014

End of exams

That most unique of days has arrived. The day when your exams are over and you have a new sense of freedom. Perhaps I’m over exaggerating, but the post-examination feeling is definitely one of the best in the student world, especially because this year I finished at the end of the first exam week, leaving me the whole of the second week to relax and enjoy some well-earned lie-ins!

I generally find I cope with the stress of the exam period quite well and I don’t allow it to take over my life, but I am definitely glad I can finally pack away my revision notes and my coloured pens. Overall I felt my three exams went very well and that all the time I spent revising over Christmas was put to good use.

I also want to put the time I have off next week to good use.

My first plan is to travel to Wales next Monday to attend an open day for a graduate level medical physics course. As I mentioned in one of my past blogs, I am torn between becoming a teacher or going into medical physics once I finish my degree, and this event will hopefully allow me to get a clearer picture of where my future might take me. The course has a duration of three years and focuses on clinical training as well as theory, with the added advantage of coming with a salary. Overall it sounds like a brilliant opportunity.

At the end of next week my family are having a large gathering for my Grandad’s 80th birthday meal. Apart from the accustomed “you’ve grown” comments, it will be great to catch up with members of my family, some of whom I haven’t seen for many years.

Sibling love - Our last big family get together was just before Christmas 2012.

On top of that I can’t wait to get the band back up and running, which has taken a back seat in the last couple of months due to us all having other commitments, namely full time jobs or, as in my case, university. Hopefully we’ll manage to book time in a rehearsal space next week and get ourselves back up to speed, and try out some new songs that we have written in our time apart.

One thing you do tend to neglect over revision time is exercise and unfortunately this year it has been no different. If you read my posts regularly you will know I try to be as active as possible, playing a variety of different sports and I can’t wait to get back into the fitness groove, which I will start up again by trying to go swimming every day next week. I also can’t wait to get back to playing in the intramural badminton league and to try and pick up some more points before the Easter break.

As I’m writing this I am just finishing off the last of my Christmas chocolate stash, which has helped me through many long afternoons of revision. Definitely time to turn my attention back to sports and exercise I think…


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