Friday 10 January 2014

Getting back into the swing of things

The winter break is officially over and it sure went by far too quickly! I’m now back in Southampton and with so many important events coming up in the next few months, there is a lot to prepare for but also a lot to look forward to. First up are my end of semester one exams which begin next week! I can’t say I’m looking forward to writing my exams but I do look forward to the day they are finished. Because exams start in less than a week, my days currently consist mostly of sitting and revising which makes me both restless and exhausted. Luckily, I still have dance classes and squad rehearsals to get me away from the desk and moving. Also approaching, in less than a month, is our first dance competition for the year! This is really exciting but we still have a lot of practicing to do which is why we need to have rehearsals during exam period. Last year the first competition we attended was at Bucks New University, however this year, our first competition will be in Southampton held by us! The pressure is on…

Me and last year’s jazz squad after placing first at the Bucks New Uni competition.

Also dance related, are preparations for our annual Pure Dance show which is in March. This is a huge show consisting of performances by members from all the different dance societies at the University of Southampton. The competition squads also perform at the show but it’s a great opportunity for even beginner dancers to take the stage and show off what they’ve been working on for the year. You’d be surprised by how much a person can improve within a year! Because it’s such a huge event it’s really rewarding to be a part of and it’s a lot of fun too.

Me and other dancers getting ready for last year’s show.

In spite of being very busy (which I actually enjoy!) it’s been nice to come back. I will admit that I did feel horribly homesick for the first couple of days. I always find that I miss my family the most, right after I have been home to see them. This might seem strange because I think most people would assume that you’d miss your family more, the longer it has been since you last saw them. Anyway, I was lucky enough to be welcomed back to my house in Southampton with a lovely dinner prepared by one of my housemates. (This was really appreciated because travelling makes me hungry despite sitting for the majority of the journey.) My housemates and I started a cooking tradition last year which was inspired by the UK TV show Come Dine With Me. If you’ve never seen the show, don’t worry, neither had I before we started. Basically, we take it in turns to cook a “fancy” meal for each other on the weekends. It’s actually been really enjoyable and on the Sunday evening I arrived back in Southampton, it gave us a good chance to catch up on what everyone had been up to over the winter break.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the winter in Sweden when I was home was surprisingly warm. Here’s a photo from one of the forests I went for walks in with my dog. Not a patch of snow!

Since our little reunion, the house has been relatively quiet compared to how it normally is because my housemates are also revising for their exams. I’m looking forward to celebrating together once exam period is over. I’ve also made plans to go and visit the Harry Potter World in Watford, with a couple of my dance friends, when exams are over. I have a lot to look forward to but right now the trick is to stay focused for the next few weeks. At least I enjoy what I’m studying so it makes the long hours by the desk more bearable. One of my new years resolutions includes the cliché “be more organised”. I have a lot of commitments but I think that if I can truly master my organisation and time management skills this year will be outstanding.


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